Tag: Flowers

Women Genuinely Like Flowers | The Effect Of Flowers To Women’s Emotions

Women Genuinely Like Flowers | The Effect Of Flowers To Women’s Emotions

Q: Society and media seem to try to convince everyone that men should give women flowers if they’re trying to show affection. But is that just media-driven fake news in an age of alternative facts? Should I try to come up with some other random gift, like a candle, to show that I’m creative or unconventional? A: No, dummy. In the latest issue of the Journal of “No Duh” Science for Idiots*, it was shown that women genuinely like getting flowers, it increases their happiness literally for days, and flowers even result in cognitive improvements in elderly populations. Furthermore, flowers seem to have special effects that other gifts don’t have. Just buy the dang flowers. INTRODUCTION Flowers serve no purpose for humans. At least, that’s the logical conclusion – you can’...