Tag: mental health

State funds mental health line for emotional help

State funds mental health line for emotional help

A cost free mental well-being non-crisis line was launched statewide on World Mental Health Day in October, giving help by means of telephone or texting to anybody needing emotional help. This line isn't a hotline, however rather a "warm" line. Hotlines give quick crisis bolster while warm lines give non-crisis emotional help. "The warm line aims to be a highly accessible, low-threshold mental health resource that people can use to seek support before they’ve reached the crisis point, in the hope that support now will prevent crisis later," as indicated by the Peer-Run Warm Line site. The mental well-being warm line is an extraordinary expansion to the present emergency assets, for example, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800–273-TALK (8255) and the Crisis Text Line (741741 ...